Sorry for the utter lack of posts lately, unfortunately I am still without a computer. I was hoping that after having started my new job, my family would be back on our feet and able to purchase a fancy new laptop so that I could get crackin' on some new blogs, but alas, the bills have piled up substantially high, and it seems as if it will be quite some time before my dreams of a Mac actually sitting on my lap, as to aid me in writing countless, new, and intriguing blogs is still yet far off. Today, my new job has me sitting at a bank as to answer questions about a new ATM that has been installed, since questions have been few and far between, and considering that the bank provided me with a computer to surf the net in my downtown, I figured I would take this opportunity to throw out a quick post...maybe two if I have time.
I often quote 1 Timothy 4:13, to point out the paramount importance of focusing on the Word of God during the gathering of the assembly, because, as I have said countless times, it is by the Word that we grow in wisdom and knowledge pertaining to salvation. It alone is the God ordained instrument by which He calls those whom He has elected to repentance leading to true faith, and it is by His Word alone which He molds, shapes and transforms us into the image of the glorious Christ. Hence, its importance...right?
Well recently I have been contemplating this verse further, and from another perspective. It says, "Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching." (ESV) This verse clearly displays to us that the public reading of Scripture is extremely important to the Almighty. So during my contemplation, I attempted to rack my brain for other instances and in what things the Lord commands us to devote ourselves. Two things quickly popped into my pea brain. One being prayer, and the second, the singing of hymns...
Embarrassingly, it is not an uncommon occurrence to be at a Bible study and upon someone volunteering to read a particular portion of Scripture, the reader drearily, tediously, and dully crawls through the passage.
Now, when God says we are to be devoted to the public reading of Scripture, do you think He merely means that we are to make sure it is common practice, or rather, that not only should it be common practice, but the reader should put as much heart into it as we do our prayers, and our singing of hymns. I would hope that when hymns are being sung by Christ's redeemed, that they are sung with passion, zeal, and with a loud uplifted voice, which is exactly how the Scriptures should be read. However, sadly enough, on numerous occasions I have heard Pastors exhorting the congregation on their lack of joy and fervor during the singing of hymns. The people slouch, shuffle their feet, and barely open their mouths enough for even a murmur to proceed from their lips, as if they are high school students being asked to stand and recite the pledge of allegiance.
Seriously, is this how we honor and glorify our Creator and Redeemer? With a half heart and with an utter lack of enthusiasm? Just as we should be lifting our voice to honor God in hymn, we too should be honoring Him through the public reading of Scripture. If you volunteer to read believer, please...please...please read the Holy Scriptures as if you have actually read them before, and as if you are familiar with them...because shouldn't you have? and shouldn't you be? Please put some actual feeling and emotion into the reading of God's written Word. How someone can sound like Ben Stein in Ferris Buellers Day Off as they read of the Atonement, or of the Resurrection, or of fulfilled prophecy astounds me. Does the deep love of God which Paul describes as unfathomable really mean nothing to you? I would hope not, so why do you read it as if that is the case?
Lastly, I do want to say, if you are not a strong public reader, take the time to read the Scriptures that will be studied prior to the actual study, read them over and over out loud by yourself, so as to become acquainted with them. I mean, really, this should be done regardless, but for the sake of showing the Lord some respect and giving Him His due honor, we all should take more care in how we read His inerrant Word in public, or if you don't want to do that, maybe it would be best that you just don't volunteer to read.
Of interest, Grace Community Church elder and executive director of Grace to You, Phil Johnson, is a Baptistic Calvinist. This statement appears on his website: “Theologically, Phil is a committed Calvinist—with a decidedly Baptistic bent.” (Who is Phillip R. Johnson?) Even more interesting is this statement: “ a member of the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals (FIRE).” The slogan of FIRE is “In essentials Unity, In non-essentials Liberty, in all things Charity.” (FIRE) Why is this interesting? FIRE’s slogan is nearly identical to the slogan of Phoenix Freemasonry! “It is the glory of Masonry to teach Unity in essentials, Liberty in details, Charity in all things; and by this sign its spirit must at last prevail.”
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