Christmas Cards pt. I  

Posted by Shawn in ,

his year as my Wife sat staring at the Christmas cards we were going to send out, she asked me, 'what Bible verse should we put in here?' For some odd reason, John 18:37 immediately popped into my head (no it wasn't a charasmatic moment haha), which actually surprised me quite a bit, because I never remembered actually having used that verse at all when talking to people, whereas some verses I use quite regularly. Anyways, as I sat and looked at the verse and meditated on it, I realized just what a truly great piece of Scripture it really is.

Throughout the four Gospels, Jesus says numerous times why He came into the world, citing numerous reasons for His coming, but if I am not mistaken, this is the only verse in which He states why He was born. I suppose some could argue this to be simply semantics, however, I would point to 2 Peter 1:20-21 and ask them to remember that the Holy Spirit moved each and every man to write specifically each and every word, jot and tittle for a God given reason.

Here, Pilate asks the question of all questions, a question that every man will ask himself throughout his life, whether it is something he thinks deeply about and ponders, or whether it is simply a passing thought of which he quickly dismisses. Every single man will have thought this at one point in time or another, and the answer that each man comes to within his own heart of hearts will have eternal consequences.

Peter writes in his first epistle that 'judgment begins with the house of God', so having said that I would like to ask each and every one of you who names the name of Christ to examine yourselves to see if Jesus is your King. Does your life shine forth as a life that is lived in submission to your King, or is it a contradictory life in which you merely acknowledge Jesus as King mentally but deny Him the honor of obedient submission, just as the demons have before you?

Does James 2:19-20 characterize your so called faith? Jesus was born into this world to be King. There is no King without a kingdom, and no kingdom without subjects, and subjects are just that...subject to the authority of the King. So many of our lives are not in subjection to our Lord, so many of us pick and choose which commands we want to obey and dismiss the rest, denying the reality of Isaiah 55:9. How is it Christian, that the Lord our God can command you to do something, and you somehow think that it is a mere suggestion? Kings make declarations, not recommendations. We are given orders to follow, not proposals to ponder. Jesus was first and foremost born to be King, and He was born to be worshiped and obeyed as one. Failure to do so will result in hearing those dreaded words of our Lord who says, "why do you call me 'Lord, Lord' yet do not do what I command?" Our knees will bend before Him one way or another.

The next blog will take a look at the truth Jesus came to testify of.

This entry was posted on Nov 25, 2008 at Tuesday, November 25, 2008 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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